This is a continuation of the last post regarding what herbs can help in aiding our digestive fire. The last post I shared how Slippery Elm has helped me with my digestion, and repairing mucous membranes. My Anti-Inflammatory Blend is a new blend that has helped me with my digestion and inflammation associated with my auto-immune disorder. Love this Ayurvedic formulation of herbs: Ginger Root, Turmeric root, Boswellia Serrata, Ashwagandha, and Rosehips.
– Eases your intestines during flair ups
– Protects against further damage to the intestinal tract
– Clears digestive system, and relieves gas
– Boosts nutrient absorption + bolsters immunity
– Stimulates gallbladder and releases bile. Bile assists body break down + digest food, + also helps properly absorb fats and certain nutrients.
– Helps the colon absorb beneficial nutrients, by promoting good bacteria in the colon.
– Soothes digestive tissue, and also coats mucus membranes.
– Also, is tackles inflammation on a molecular level!
Stay tuned for more Ayurvedic tips of strengthening your digestive fire!
Go to the sales page to buy Anti-Inflammatory Blend now.