Anju Prasad - Ayurvedic Doctor - Est. 2013

Rooted In Tradition, Backed By Science

Burdock Root

April 26, 2018

Burdock Root is used in Ayurveda for skin disorders, and applied topically. Aids with eczema, acne, boils, and psoriasis. Powerful anti-fungal, and anti-biotic properties.

Anti-tumour herb, and has strong cleansing actions. It also restores liver and gallbladder function. Liver and kidney detox. Burdock eliminates impurities very rapidly from your liver + kidney.

Excellent blood purifier, and helps cleanse the body of waste products like heavy metals, and uric acid. Good for arthritis and gout.
Also, cleanses the blood stream, and lymphatic system of toxins.

I really have benefited from ingesting burdock root because it has helped with my digestion. How does it help with digestion? It works through bitter stimulation of the digestive juices + especially of bile secretion. Furthermore, burdock root contains inulin. Inulin is a organic indigestible non-absorbable oligosaccharide that has pre-biotic and anti-cancer properties. Inulin promotes the growth of beneficial bacteria in the colon, including lactobacilli + bifidobacteria. Burdock enriches the value of pro-biotics.

High in calcium, iron, magnesium, thiamine, silicon, and vitamin B1, + chromium.


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