Cat’s Claw Herbal Tincture


Digestion, Herbal Tinctures, Joints

Cat’s Claw Uncaria Tomentosa” 50 ml

  • ​I use certified organic herbs.
  • Made from pure grain free, and corn free ethanol (gluten free), and distilled water.
  • Comes in a 50 ml cobalt blue glass.
  • You receive 400 mg of herb per full dropper.
  • A full dropper = Approximately 3/4 full dropper of tincture.


  • Repairs DNA, and helps with negative side effects of chemotherapy
  • Good for chronic fatigue syndrome
  • Leaky gut syndrome, Crohn’s
  • Good treatment for lyme disease.


How to use? Ingest 1-2 full droppers, once a day. ​You decide when it would be the best time to ingest the medicine. Rules: Put 2 full droppers in a small cup, add 1.5 tablespoons of water. ​(That will dilute the strength a little) Then let it sit in your mouth, under your tongue for 20 seconds, then swallow. This way it enters your blood stream immediately. Please do not eat or drink, anything except water for 20-30 minutes before and after you ingest the medicine.

Antiviral herb, boosts immune system to fight infection. Anti-mutagenic, anti-inflammatory, and anti-oxidant properties.

Used for arthritis, allergies, chronic fatigue syndrome, cancer, viral infections, digestive disorders like Crohn’s, diverticulosis, colitis, and leaky gut syndrome. Helps with bowel illnesses that cause inflammation of the digestive tract, which can lead to abdominal pain, diarrhea, fatigue, + malnutrition.

Repairs DNA. Helpful with DNA damage with chemotherapy. Lowers high blood pressure, and increases circulation, because of an alkaloid called hirsutine.